DELTASOFT INTERNATIONAL retained with Microsoft Dynamics NAV for the information system project of Tunisian Sugar Corporation

New year of 2017 announced , a new challenge launched : STS, First company in the field of production and agro-food industry in Tunisia, retains Microsoft Dynamics NAV and DELTASOFT INTERNATIONAL for the modernization and redesign of its system information.
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About STS
- Company Name : Tunisian Company of Suga
- Chief Executive Officer:Mr Mokhtar NEFZI.
- Capital in TD :3,400,000 Public participants and public enterprises 68%, other participants 32%.
- Employment :363 of which 354 permanent and 9 trainees
- Activity :Refining of Raw Sugar.
- Date of creation : 15 January 1961.
- Supervisory ministry :Ministry of Industry and Technology.
- Percentage of local consumption : 45% of national sugar consumption.
- Website :